Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New year, new plans

Who else has spring fever??? I certainly do! We're ready to get this year started with something exciting (for us at least)! We're in the planning stages of the biggest project of our lives, building a new home...a first for us. We've done the renovation thing, starting with Jeff completely renovating a 100-year-old house while we were in our early 20's, followed by a fire damaged 50-year-old house, then a (thankfully) simple 80's ranch, and now we're ready start fresh and build something that will accommodate our current lives... busy parents & business owners.

That's where the crucial planning process comes in. I am married to the Garage Guy after all, so of course our plans include an over-sized 3-car garage with tons of storage and style. I'm not sure that Jeff would be able to sleep at night if we didn't have the coolest, most organized, and functional garage in town. I'm just staying out of his way and letting him have this one. I can't argue with a guy that knows garages like he does, he's been doing this for so long that I'd be trying to recreate the wheel with any input I'd have to offer. I'll just be happy to have a clean, organized space to park my car and mower!

On that note, we spent our morning meeting with an architect going over the design with a fine tooth comb, making changes, and perfecting the simple yet functional layout we have in mind. I can't wait to share the plans and progress with everyone as the year goes on. Until then, let's start getting our homes, garages, laundry rooms, sheds, etc. ready to be organized.

If you've got an idea and would like us to come out, measure your space, create a dimensional drawing, give us a call! We'd love to see what you have in mind and create a plan! We're currently booked through February, but would love to get a plan in place for your organization project and get you on the calendar this spring.

Looking forward to working with you on your upcoming garage project!


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